Small-Cell / Distributed Antenna System (DAS) Wireless Design
TranSmart’s team provided multidiscipline engineering design, field verification, permitting, and construction management and inspection services at various locations throughout the City of Chicago for the installation of small-cell / DAS equipment on existing traffic signal and street light poles. To blend into the cityscape, this small-cell infrastructure utilized City-owned street light and utility poles, and the installation work was facilitated through a detailed city permitting process.
The TranSmart team provided the following services to facilitate this deployment:
• On-site surveys of each pole location for potential conflicts, power source locations, and vaulted sidewalk issues
• Power and fiber walks to verify site connectivity
• Design plans for full pole and foundation replacements and dedicated power
• Temporary traffic signal plans
• Site-specific maintenance of traffic (MOT) plans
• Full review for compliance and completion of internal checklist
• Created completed design package
• Submitted to Office of Underground Coordination (OUC) for Existing Facility Protection (EFP) review process
• Regulatory review to ensure compliance with FCC rules and regulations
• Permitting coordination with CDOT, local alderman, and community outreach as needed
• Construction scheduling, management, and inspection.
The deployment of these small-cell sites has dramatically improved wireless coverage capacity throughout the City and paves the way for the 5G wireless broadband required to support various Internet of Things (IoT) applications.
Mobilitie Management
Telecommunications and Utilities