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Systemwide Traffic Engineering Services


As a subconsultant, TranSmart assisted the Illinois Tollway’s Traffic Engineer with traffic planning and ITS planning support services and worked with devices such as cameras, vehicle detectors, weigh-in-motion devices, ramp queue and loop detectors, dynamic message signs, and road weather information systems; and also assisted with ITS device planning and design. TranSmart prepared, and continues to prepare, the quarterly and annual Secondary Crash Data Report for Illinois Tollway. The report identifies traffic crash characteristics on both a location-specific and system-wide basis and assists Illinois Tollway in its effort to recommend spot safety improvements, system-wide operational changes / programs, and future capital or major improvement programs.

TranSmart also assisted the Illinois Tollway’s Traffic Engineer with the multi-state corridor operations and management program (MCOM). Under a Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) grant, the goal of the MCOM program is to promote regional cooperation, planning, and improve multimodal transportation system management and operations. TranSmart performed a variety of planning analyses as requested by the Illinois Tollway to reduce safety risks while traveling on its toll road system. 


Illinois State Toll Highway Authority (ISTHA)


Transportation Planning



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